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Women are not small men

14 Jan 2020

A few years back, Dr. Stacy T. Sims launched this powerful catch phrase : Women are Not Small Men. More than just a feminist slogan, it actually acknowledges that there are some fundamental differences between men and women. The first research on wom...

Of the importance of communication with your coach

14 Jan 2020

Communication with your coach is as important as with anyone else. From the importance of communication in the workplace, or the importance of communication in relationships, to the numerous ways to communicate more effectively such as Non Violent Co...

Introducing a special guest : mindfulness

14 Jan 2020

The first time I’ve really asked myself about what mindfulness might be was when reading an article in a human sciences magazine. I then understood that mindfulness was about paying more attention to every little detail of our daily lives. It took ...

Personalised cycling coaching

13 Jan 2020

Here is where the magic starts ! Please find below our high quality personalised cycling coaching options and start your own cycling coaching today ! If you landed here, you are probably considering coaching; if still in doubt, why not read our Why w...

Changing glasses

11 Jan 2020

Sometimes (or most of the time !), wherever we are, whoever we are, we have an inner little voice entering our minds to tell us “Oh yes, I know I have everything I need to feel good, but still though, if things could be different, I’d be really h...

Why train with a power meter ?

11 Jan 2020

We often get asked the age old question: Why should I train with power? While the answer is lengthy, the reasons are real, whether you are a pro or an amateur !   Train with power meter to get a complete record of your effort. It records your ef...

Plan your peak !

3 Jan 2020

New Year, new opportunities, it’s time to plan your peak performances ! We all have the best of intentions leading into the off-season and after a big season, it’s important to have that down time to recharge the battery.  That’s a critica...

Why get cycling coaching ?

13 Dec 2019

Investing in cycling support rather than cycling gear… But why ? Here is a list of few questions you might ask yourself about the cycling coaching I provide. Have a read and please send us a message should you have any other question ! What is ...

Riding Asturias, Spain

13 Nov 2019

I’ve never been to the Atlantic Spain before. I had heard it looked like Brittany, the Brittany where my mother’s family is from : cliffs falling in an ocean of sea sprays, the wind wiping your face of any sorrow and massaging your cheeks wit...

How to have time all the time ?

3 Nov 2019

“Take the time”… What does it mean for you ? Let’s start with a little challenge : take a pen and piece of paper; on the morrow, put the pen and paper in one of your pockets and every time you say or think “I don’t have time t...

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