Personal growth

Vous accompagner pour que vous soyez le meilleur de vous même dans vos vies personnelle et/ou professionnelle

6 Sep 2021

One-to-one and executive coaching linked to personal growth appeared as an obvious option to explore when I was a manager or as a sports coach. After several years in a managing position and practicing and competing in an endurance sport, as well as practicing and teaching yoga, it became obvious to me that the link between all our activities and personalities, what makes us decide and make choices (or not), is how we manage our energy. Be it emotions, stress, motivation, doubts, questions or procrastination, our energy is at the roots of the quality of our decisions.

What drives my work is to make a link between the proofs research gives us, the experiences brought to us by millenial traditions like yoga and our contemporary challenges and constraints, with the ultimate project of allowing each of us to flourish and be aligned with him- or herself, with the communities and with our planet.

I’m certified by the World Business and Executive Coach Summit, and I don’t belong to any specific school of teaching, I use instead a global holistic approach inspired by different techniques and scientific data from neurosciences and physiology.

Personal growth coaching

To support you making choices and reflecting on your current situation or challenge(s), we can meet for 60 minutes sessions online or in Nice, France. Often, 5 sessions allow to deepen your perspective and find solutions in an efficient way; each story is unique though so we will identify together how many we will have.

60 minutes session (Zoom, phone or in person in Nice) : 120 euros
5 sessions : 540 euros
Payment is made by bank transfer either before or after the session.
Price shouldn’t be an obstacle to being supported, please contact me and we will find a solution together. 
Développement personnel

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. -Confucius-

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